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Everything You Should Know

Our passion for bees and honey turned an idea into a reality when was founded in 2014 as an effort to save the honey bee and be caretakers of the environment. We have been able to share information about the amazing bees and benefits of honey through educational programs, mentoring beginning beekeepers, managing other local bee hives, assisting in the pollination of crops, and by selling unique products as a means to support our efforts.

Since we launched our business, we have expanded into not only selling our unique  all natural, raw honey produced by the bees but bee hive products and soaps made with natural ingredients including beeswax , essential oils and botanicals.  We focus on environmentally conscious farming/ beekeeping practices and keeping our work sustainable and fair, because we know that happy and healthy bees help the environment and lead to great products for our customers.

Beekeeper at Work


Award Winning Honey & Products



We have just returned from the University of Florida Bee College and UF’s Summer Panhandle Honey Show. We are pleased to report that the delicious honey and bee hive products you have been enjoying won several awards in several categories! We were so thrilled we rushed home to “talk to the bees” to let them know how well they did. Our Honey, Chuck (comb honey in a jar of honey), Lip Balm, Foot/Body Balm, Soap, Confections (Baklava Honey Mini Cups),Photographs, and poetry all won awards!!!!

Conni has successfully completed her certificate to become a Steward for Honey Shows as certified by the American Honey Show Training Council.
We learned a lot of new strategies to help keep our bees healthier and stronger that we plan on implementing in the Apiary.
We will be pulling the next batch of our award winning honey mid September!
We appreciate our bees and think they did a marvelous job!

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